Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've realized my calling

I'm a zookeeper. A bonafied wild animal wrangler catering to the young mammals of the Earth. They scream and yelp all day long and they stink like nothing you have ever smelled before. I throw food at them several times a day and they make sure to get it into their gummy mouths using any means necessary. They'll come and snuggle once in awhile, but they really just want to play with each other in their luxury cage filled with animal toys. Once a day or more, I let them out of their cage and I strap them in for a walk. They pick up random bugs and get dirty from rolling in the dirt. Sometimes I have to squirt them off with a hose!

I'm a zookeeper. A zookeeper indeed.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Ski Boat

I know at least 2 other people in my same boat.

My new boat exists in the Infant Ocean somewhere between Hubbyville and Mama Town.

But let me tell you about my old boat. My old boat used to be a ski boat that raced freely from one destination and adventure to the next. My ski boat was in pristine condition, clean and waxed regularly, and never without the latest accessories. People would envy how much gas it could guzzle and still stay so small! I spent a lot of money on that boat. I spent a lot of time on that boat. That boat was so different than the boat I have now, I can hardly remember what it was like to step foot onto it.

Sometime last winter, I stopped using my ski boat. It became too impractical and I couldn't keep up with the maintenance. Moving from spot to spot just seemed impossible and the thought of lugging all of my gear on board proved to be not worthwhile.

I needed a more stable boat and one that could be appreciated staying in one place. The boat I needed had to be large and full of storage. It had to be warm at all times and I had to be able to make meals and clean with minimal effort. This boat needed to be pretty enough for it's current situation, but not overly fussed with because time needed to be spent on other more important things. I traded in the ski boat for a houseboat and I'm parking it in the Infant Ocean for a couple of years.

At times, I really miss my ski boat. I miss the parties we had, the late nights, sleeping late, and the road trips we took sometimes without notice. If I wanted to do something or go somewhere, I could always do it with that boat. I never worried if I was driving it too fast or what would happen if I crashed it.

But for now, the houseboat is the only place I want to be. The houseboat for all its worries and unknowns is the happiest I have ever been, even when it's stormy outside.